DC Mayor Adrian Fenty lauded the new route saying the "bike lane on Pennsylvania Avenue, literally connects the Capitol to the White House" a sign he said shows that America is "catching up" to other more multi-modal countries. Other officials clearly trying to quiet concerns from drivers emphasized the fact that more bikers means fewer cars and less competition on the roads and for parking.
In a press release, DDOT Director Gabe Klein explained in so many words the change in the bike lane design and the delayed opening, which was originally set for bike-to-work day several weeks ago. Klein said "before we officially opened the bike lanes we wanted to make sure they provide safe areas for cyclists, motorists and pedestrians...with a better design we have a better chance of success."
Washington, DC real estate development news
yes for bikes!!
How long until someone is killed in one of these lanes? And what is the likelihood it will be by a Metrobus?
Also, is there any measurement of how many people have to use this lane for it to be considered a success?
If only a dozen or so people use it a day by the end of this year, it seems to me they should be removed and an announcement should be issued by the local government about how much of a financial waste it was to create such a lane.
Anonymous 2, does such a "success" metric exist for ANY road? Why should a bike lane meet a standard that doesnt exist for any other mode of transportation?
Bikes should have license plates. "Sharing" the road doesn't mean they follow the same rules as a vehicle. They run red lights, go against traffic, cut in and out of "their" lane.....and why is it when I am turning right, do bikers slap the hood of my car, give me the finger and curse at me, doesn't the dotted white line mean I can cut over the lane to turn right?
I can see the lanes from my office and a dozen cyclists go by in 15 minutes, many more during rush hour. And that's in 90 degree weather.
Anyway, now that the lanes are in the median and not reducing traffic lanes at all it seems particularly difficult to claim the space should be used for cars. It was essentially wasted space before used only by taxis for illegal u-turns.
And if someone is killed by a bus, isn't that the bus driver's fault? Why should they drive in the bike lanes any more than the wrong side of the street. Or a crosswalk with pedestrians (legally) crossing?
@june 25 7:39 AM
They are slapping your car because you are illegally turning into their space, putting them at extreme risk for bodily harm.
It is your responsibility as a driver (and mine) to ensure your access to the right is clear, and that includes bicyclists.
if it keeps the bikes out of car lanes - no problem. As long as the cyclists follow traffic laws, which they seem to have difficulty doing. Stop means stop for bikes too!
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