The islands have had their challenges - begotten from a polluted source, the islands were created from the residue of dredging excessive

Lee and Associates, a DC based landscape architectural firm, is working with the District to give the parks a more natural aesthetic, while keeping the visitor center, hiking and biking trails and building environmental workshops in "outdoor classrooms." Access points are being improved - from both sides of the river - at Benning Rd. and from RFK stadium (parking lot #6). Living Classrooms, hired by the District in 2008 to manage the parks, provides the educational element with environmental instruction throughout the school year and volunteer opportunities in the summer, highlighting the challenges of environmental stewardship in an urban setting. "We see the trash flow down the river," says Matt English, Kingman Island Programs Coordinator for Living Classrooms, of the distant tidal forces that raise the water levels up to 3 feet, "and then we see it flow back up."
But thanks to more federal largess - President Obama just signed a bill providing funding to restore the Anacostia River ecosystem - and to educational efforts, conservationists hope that will be a decreasing problem. Footbridges to both parks allow for ample public access when the parks reopen. Matt English says the next event is scheduled for the Martin Luther King holiday, so the team is working to finish the first of three phases before that date. "Fingers crossed," says English.
Washington DC real estate development news
This should be interesting. I would like to see how much of this has been built. Last time I walked through it, there were no buildings or outside anything, just trails. Which is ok, but I would like to see some additions.
I would love to have more information about this project. At this point, no one in the Kingman Park Neighborhood has no clue what is going with this project. It would be nice if Lee and Associates include all of the neighborhoods what would be directly impacted from this project. Maybe start with the ANC Commissioners would be a start.
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