The location is key, since the site abuts a future purple line station, scheduled to break ground in 2013. The sixteen mile light rail line will run between Bethesda and New Carrollton. The county issued an RFQ last February, and estimated that the site could hold 120 units of housing, but required that 60% of the housing on the site be subsidized.
VOA Associates have been chosen as architects for the project, which, according to a designer in the Washington office, could begin sometime in 2011. As these things go, we're guessing rail construction time lines will shape development; sometime in 2011 seems soon.
Richard Nelson, Director of Montgomery County's Department of Housing and Urban Affairs says as much. “Transit-oriented urban infill projects can be challenging," he said, "and it was essential to select a team with deep experience in transit-oriented development, multi-family housing, tight infill locations and mixed-use development.”

It's likely the Donohoe project will align with the development of its potential neighbors. Let's hope three years from now when the projects are complete, residents will still like the library colors.
Silver Spring real estate development news
Should be great. Mixed use and mixed income is exactly what DTSS needs to continue striving for. Sucks for everyone that owns at the adjacent Crescent Condos though, not only did they all buy at the height of the bubble, now they get to have construction surrounding them for a decade and stare straight into other buildings once completed.
Its not like that was a nice condo project anyway.
Meh, a ho-hum building exterior isn't nearly as bad as 6am construction and being $100K underwater.
Lots of errors in your post: the ss library isn't a rehab, but a new structure from scratch. Construction on the Donahoe project cannot begin until the library is near completion and actual construction on that wont begin for about a year according to MoCo (the equipment and work on site is for utility relocation...though it's amazing that will take a year!). At best, the Donahoe project might come out of the ground in spring of 2013 and finish in time for th purple line to come clang-clang-clanging through. Time frames aside, thee is so much development proposed in this little corneer of silveer spring that in a few years it will be quite a dynamic spot!
Ignore most of my prior comment. Apparently I can't read!
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