You know how when you buy a new pair of shoes, you almost don't want to wear them for fear of soiling their fresh-out-of-the-box perfection? That's how I felt as I stood at the threshold of this cozy Federal nestled on picturesque 35th Street in Georgetown's West Village. Everything about it, from the pristine white walls and furniture to the gleaming hardwood floors and clean lines, conveyed the impression of a place almost too nice to live in. Of course, if I had $799K lying around, I'd already be reclined on the sofa by the time you read this, gleefully spitting sunflower seeds onto the floor. But alas, not on a blogger's salary.
One enters into the bright living room, which is outfitted with a gas fireplace. Farther back is a dining area and a sleek kitchen. A spiral stair
case leads up to the large bedroom, which has a closet so incredibly vast it could probably be rented to an intern as a bedroom. (Laugh if you will – I once rented a room that was almost exactly the size of a twin size mattress.) The bathroom (also commendably bright) boasts a large basin and a huge shower with clear glass doors, so you never have to worry about someone sneaking up on you with a knife while you shower. And finally the privat
e semi-enclosed patio is perfect for having people over to subtly rub your success in their faces. And really, isn't that what home ownership is all about?
1257 35TH ST NW
1 Bedroom, 1 Bath
Ummm... this place is kiiiinda awful... I actually said "eww" out loud when I first saw the picture. Anybody else?
Another overpriced narrow lightless DC tunnel.
It's astounding how much some people will pay for so little.
I'd have to agree. There's a point (of narrowness) at which it dosen't matter how inexpensive a place is, it's not worth it. Any place worth anything must have at least one great room.
Awful? Are you serious? It's adorable! Sure, it's 799k but that's Georgetown. It's like a little, perfect dollhouse. You people have no souls...
I don't think it's awful. The house certainly seems to have taken advantage of its limited space. But the 800K price tag is laughable. Absurd.
I think the copywriter has a real knack for making a little sound like a lot--and it is such a common suckers trick to describe a tiny piece of real estate in grandiose terms. But it looks like the staging agent did a great job in getting it cleaned up and photographed--nice to look at, likely silly to live in.
It's appropriately priced for the area and the fact that it's a duplex TH. you wanna pay less for that? don't look in Gtown. it's that simple. BTW - don't like the furnishings? get your own and decorate it with your tasteless mish mash of crap that you have in your places right now.
I love it that the people bashing this stuff probably are typing from a $30 computer table from target. your place is NOT as nice as this so shut it.
It's easy to be critical. "eww" is a worthless comment. eww to your comment. please try to write something with a little bit of intellectual thought. I don't live in DC anymore, but still own properties in DC and rent them. I love checking in on all the morons who think they're god's gift to interior decorating, architecture, or planning. stick to what you're doing - mindless work.
I love the author's tongue-in-cheek sense of humor. While this house does not have mass appeal, for those who want Georgetown it is among the best for the price. Creatively and stunningly renovated with maximum use of space. Now, if only there were a parking space nearby...
This sounds like a deal for Georgetown. And I think it looks fantastic. Creatively designed for a small space.
Don't forget people: LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!
The value of the land on which a house sits is almost ALWAYS where differences in price play out. The value of the building will be similar in Georgetown as it would be in Herndon, but the land in Georgetown is much more valuable than a plot in the middle of sprawlsville.
Yes, it's Georgetown, and location drives price but you'd still have to be a lilliputian to live in this house.
Yeah, a lilliputian with more money than sense is my guess. They probably drive a smart car so take up less street parking and smaller carbon footprint so that part is all good.
Eww...it seems the chatters from YouTube are weighing in on
Georgetown real estate.
People, control your thoughts...too much information and too much bile on display....Be nice.
I'd take it. If it is, indeed, a federal townhouse, which are few and far between in Georgetown.
Perhaps people are being a wee bit too critical of the seller's decorating sense, but it's also not really fair to say "This is Georgetown" and thus nothing can be overpriced. There are severel houses nearby in the same price range, with more space. (And 2 bedrooms and baths makes a huge difference in such a tiny place.) So there's plenty of room to be critical of the price tag. That said, if you want to live on that block (and it's a nice block), then come on down!
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