With construction financing secured a little less than a month ago, Douglas' 6-story, 30-unit apartment at 2221 14th Street, NW, is moving forward, having awarded the general contractor position to Donohoe Construction last week.
As reported in June, the project was expected to be underway around this time, however, a building and raze permit for the site (applied for in May and in August, respectively) are still pending.
Designed by Sacha Rosen of R2L: Architects, the building is a contemporary assortment of glass, metal, brick and terra cotta panels with sharply angled bay windows fronting 14th Street and Florida Ave. Not going condo - as several projects on 14th Street are - the building is designated as apartments with ground-floor retail space and 10 below-grade parking spaces.

Douglas had previously worked on bringing a 10,000-s.f. retail structure, designed by George Myers of GTM Architects, to the site.
Amendment: Permit application filing dates were transposed; raze permit was applied for in August, and building permit in May
Washington D.C. real estate development news
Why does it take 4-5 months to approve a demolition permit??
Raze permit application was filed in August, not May - the months were transposed (i.e. the building permit application was filed in May)
Another apt. building for RICH people I'm guessing?
"Jealousy is a stinky cologne"
The 14th Street corridor is quickly becoming a hub of condominium projects. It will eventually lead to an oversupply of high-priced condo market.
Jason, I wish you were right (so that maybe I could get my hands on a "luxury" unit down the line), but can't imagine that you are. There's a bunch of money in this town.
So glad to get rid of "Latino Auto Sales". This project is great. 1st it is an Apartment - there is almost no apartment stock right now in DC - so big plus. 2nd, 14th street is only getting better and better - now if they can just fix up the streetscape.
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