In a deal was first reported by the Washington City Paper, the Trump Organization will convert part of the Old Post Office at 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue into a 250-room luxury hotel with restaurants and a spa. The GSA said that the Trump-led redevelopment of the aging building, which was completed in 1899, could commence in in 2014 with completion in 2016.
"The Trump Organization plan will preserve the historic nature of the building and improve the vitality of Pennsylvania Avenue, Robert Peck, GSA's Commissioner of the Public Buildings Service said in a statement on GSA's Web site. "This redevelopment represents good business sense on behalf of the American taxpayer, the federal government and the District of Columbia."
Current tenants of the Old Post Office include the National Endowment of the Arts and the National Endowment of the Humanities, who will be moved prior to reconstruction once negotiations over the plans by GSA and Trump conclude.
Washington real estate development news
Will this have any effect on the viewing platform? Its the best view in the whole city...
This will not have any negative effect on the viewing platform. This endeavor will actually enhance the landmark and its history with a museum.
Trump's style of interiors (modernized bordello) should work pretty well with the existing architecture of the Old Post Office. Certainly a good selection from that perspective.
What's planned (and by whom) for the portions of the building Trump isn't using for the hotel?
Think Trump is the man! An aside, my Father who went to Georgetown from 1923-1927 told me that the building was moved from its original location in Georgetown to Pennsylvania Avenue. Heard this before anyone?
^I hope your leg didn't get yanked out from all the pulling your dad did to it.
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