By Franklin Schneider
I like townhouses. Is this a controversial thing to say? I don't know. I said this to my girlfriend, who was with me on this day of openhousing, and she gave me the same look she gives me when we discuss fine dining and I bring up the taco pizza from my midwestern hometown. (Yes, this exists; yes, it features Cool Ranch Doritos as a topping; yes, I'm ashamed to admit it would be my last meal if I ever found myself on death row.)
Okay, maybe I don't like all townhouses, anymore than I like all novelty pizzas. (I'd rather eat my shoe than a slice of ham-n-pineapple.) But this townhouse, I love. And what's not to love? Heart of pine floors, custom Waterworks bathrooms, beautiful, spacious kitchen. It even has a home theater – not like the usual home theater, which is just a family room with a television in front of a sofa and maybe a few tinny speakers, but an actual matte movie screen and projector. It's just like a movie theater experience, only better, because there aren't any strangers packed in on all sides. The last time I went to a movie, the man behind me either took his shoes off or opened a family-size jar of tartar sauce he'd smuggled in – I was afraid to turn around and see which one.

There's a beautiful living room (with fireplace), a cute wooden deck in back, and the master bedroom suite is a full-blown suite, with a generous living/lounge area, and prodigious closets. The master bath has twin vanities and – my new favorite thing – a skylight over the bathtub. It just looked so luxurious, the prospect of bathing in this intense rectangle of sunlight. Of course, my bathtub at home is next to a “wall” made of black plastic duct-taped over crumbling plaster, so pretty much anything seems luxurious next to that.
4025 Mansion Drive NW
3 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths

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