Monday, June 11, 2012

DC Gov Puts 1300 H Street on the Market

The District of Columbia government put 1300 H Street, NE - formerly a library kiosk - on the market today as a future development site.  The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) solicited development activity on the 10,800 s.f. site this afternoon with a bid for redevelopment of the site into "mixed income housing, community-serving retail, recommended uses of the H Street Arts overlay, and other cultural amenities."

The site has been vacant for 2 years since the District closed the temporary library, even though the site is surrounded by thriving retail development.

Because the site falls within the arts overlay, a maximum density of 3.0 FAR for residential is permitted on the site, or 1.0 FAR for other uses, with a 50-foot height cap under current zoning rules or 65 foot height cap under a Planned Unit Development (PUD).

The District will hold a site conference for interested bidders on June 21st and hopes to select a development team in the fall.

Washington D.C. real estate development news


Anonymous said...

So the land behind the library is contaiminated. Therefore part of the price of the land requires clean up. The district estimate the clean up for site to be close to 100K or more.

Anonymous said...

haters gonna hate

Anonymous said...

What's it contaminated with?

wylie coyote said...

chemicals from the former dry cleaner occupant next door, allegedly.

Anonymous said...

Finally DC gov't, the city's biggest slumlord is getting rid of one of its many vacant properties

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