Monday, June 11, 2012

Pennsylvania Avenue Office Building Redesign

David M. Schwarz Architects announced today it has been hired to redesign portions of the prominent Pennsylvania Building at 1275 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, and will begin work this fall.  The '50's office building was redeveloped in the '80's by owner Willco Companies, which purchased the building in the late '60's for $6,600,000. The 286,000 s.f. building was modernized in 2007.

The Pennsylvania Building sits across from Freedom Plaza and the Wilson Building.  Construction will entail re-skinning the lower three floors of the exterior stone façade, redesigning the metal and glass office entry marquee, a new rooftop terrace overlooking Pennsylvania Avenue, and a redesigned office lobby.
Shwarz is also designing 2700 Woodley in Woodley Park, JBG's U Street hotel and the addition to Ceasar's Palace in Las Vegas.

Washington D.C. real estate development news


Anonymous said...

How disappointing. Such a prominently located building deserves something better than just a different version of phony historicism.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for the Tea Party design police, a.k.a. the National Civic Art Society, to defend this. They certainly enjoy attacking anything which isn't reactionary.

Anonymous said...

The original building was already remuddled once. It looks like DMSAS is going to clean up a post modern mess.
But I ask - when did neo-classical become a dirty word? Why is there no 'neo-modern' description to go along with the now 70+ year old modernist style?

Anonymous said...

I wish they'd re-skin the whole building in phony historicism. What the modernists don't get is nobody cares about their historicism hysterics. People care about beauty in what ever style. Sorry guys!

Unknown on Jun 25, 2012, 11:33:00 PM said...

Beautiful structure.

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