The neighborhood itself has struggled to attract private businesses and office workers, in part because it lacks nearby services and retail. Service and retail providers in turn have had little incentive to open shop in Anacostia until more businesses and consumers are on the street. That conundrum is reflected in the embryonic BID formation. While corporations typically sponsor the BIDs that promote doing business in the neighborhood, that lack of commerce has hindered the Anacostia BID's formation. Though landowners in the area point to much potential - a historic downtown, a Metro stop, the coming St. Elizabeths project - without a corporate base to fund the BID, lack of money has kept Anacostia's promoter-in-chief from becoming a reality. That may be starting to change.

BIDs in DC, while classified as nonprofit organizations, can’t solicit foundation grants. And when DC’s Office of Tax and Revenue and the Department of Small and Local Business Development reviewed the Anacostia BID's business plan - as required as part of the enabling legislation - they didn’t think it was sustainable.
“So we took a break, got a pro bono counsel, and hired consultants to file paperwork, petition the IRS, and get approval to establish a BID out of the 501(c)3,” explained Stan Voudrie of Four Points Development, the group’s new board president. “It took a lot of time; we were doing it with volunteers.” But eventually, he added, the IRS approved of the group’s new status and the various city agencies signed off on the BID’s new business plan.
Other than Voudrie, the board is composed of representatives from 1918 LLP, Anacostia Economic Development Corporation, ARCH Development Corporation, EDC LLC, Grubb’s Southeast Pharmacy, Honfleur Gallery, Industrial Bank,
NSC, Inc., and Urban City Ventures.
Voudrie says the group will use the time between now and March to prepare for their next steps. After hiring a director and renting a permanent office space, the first order of business will be to increase basic services in the business district, particularly from a visual perspective. “All of the BIDs”—there are eight others in the city—“have that kind of program,” said Voudrie. That means increasing trash pickup, sweeping streets and sidewalks, and planting flowers.
Second, the organization will focus on marketing and business outreach, acting like a local chamber of commerce. “We'll reach out to retailers that we think would bring a service the community would appreciate,” said Voudrie. “We want to be a single clearinghouse where people can find out about opportunities in the neighborhood.”
And by the same token, the group will allow local business and property owners to speak with a unified voice, addressing issues that might need attention from the city or other institutions.
What the BID won’t be doing, according to Voudrie, is independently establishing a vision for what the neighborhood should look like. “We’ll probably do surveys of people who live and work here to find out their interests, but we won’t tell people what we think they need,” he said.
So all that talk about Anacostia becoming the city’s next arts district might not be on the BID agenda, at least for now, but such ideas might soon be more likely to become reality.
Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly identified DC BIDs as not being nonprofit organizations; they are, but are not 501(c)3s. Additionally, the new board has 10 members, not five.
Washington D.C. real estate development news
your map link at the top points to Champlain Street NW, not Anacostia.
Thanks, fixed it. The mysteries of Google....
It's still amazing to me that they'd save these three piles of bricks becasue we can't do much better.
Having all white board members seems like a recipe for PR disaster.
Not that it should matter but I'm on the board and I'm black as are several other board members/reps. The goal here is to bring more services, opportunities, and businesses to Anacostia.
@TheAdvoc8te - I understood the article to say that there are only 5 board members, those listed, all of whom are white. I'm glad that's not the case. Of course it *shouldn't* matter, but to the extent that the BID values buy-in from everyone in the community, I would argue it is important.
BIDs in DC are non profits and tax exempt. All but Anacostia and 501c6 organizations, meaning membership organization. Most grants only go to 501c3 organizations.
So how is that BID tax gonna sit with the residents in Anacostia?
I think its great that they are getting underway. I just hope the residents/board members have a better vision than Starbucks and Chipotle type businesses that look like everywhere else you go in this area. I also hope they are able to weed out business owners will bad intentions like Natasha Dasher who funded her business with a drug operation. Anacostia certainly deserves better.
a number of inaccuracies in the post: 1) there ARE brick and mortar retailers as well as other business owners - there are 10 board members. 2) All the board members serve in the same capacity - not a limited capacity for some. 3) All DC BIDs are nonprofit, the Anacostia BID is different in that it is a 501c3 which the others are not.
Not in the post but in the comments: the residents of the neighborhood don't pay the BID assessment - only commercial properties are taxed.
Folks, thanks for the corrections. I had some misinformation that I should've double checked but didn't. The correct info has been incorporated and a correction listed at the end.
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