The OPM plan outlines measures that will reduce the city's amount of leased space by 13% (roughly 500,000 square feet) over the next year by relocating staff to shuttered DC public schools and consolidating warehouse operations. It also provides concrete timelines for the construction of new District-owned office space - including the currently underway Department of Employee Services at Benning Road and Minnesota Avenue, NE (pictured) and the recently announced MPD Property and Evidence Warehouse in Southwest. DC Public Schools and Libraries, however, will be unaffected by the Facilities Plan, as they are governed by their own distinct agencies.

"A lot of things change about property – about the needs, about the market and other things - are very dynamic in real estate. We will be regularly updating this plan to address new things that come up,” said Jasper.
In addition to the master Facilities Plan, OPM also used the occasion to announce the release of its HOK Architects-authored (and phone book thick) Workplace Design Guidelines that, in the words of District reps, “standardizes the materials and furnishings that can be used in District office buildings” through bulk purchases and codified style standards.
“This will be a common brand making sure that efficiencies bring big cost savings,” said Fenty. Because, as we all know, the best way to attract DC’s best and brightest to local government is by forcing them to all use identical mauve swivel chairs in their mass produced cubicles. Oy.
Commont Pitfalls in hiring Property Management
Hiring only a real estate sales agent to manage your property
Paying more than 7% of the Gross Lease as a leasing commission
Paying more than a 10% management fee
Signing a long-term, binding contract
Using stock, dated leases
Hiring managers who don't have the proper experience and education
Hiring companies that only do leasing and not management
Hiring companies that don't return your call in a timely manner
Having spent time as the functional head of District Real Estate in the past, one of the many continuous problems is trying to solve a (20) year problem with (1) year money and (4) year people. There is so much needing attention that it can not be completed unless there is an authority that can be around long enought for the project to be completed.
Real Estate Guy
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