Most recently, the plan for the site was to create a new multifamily rental building as well as market-rate condos. However, Kerry Smyser, the Project Manager at DCHA, said that with the finance market and condo market the way they are, that plan is no longer feasible. Smyser added that since the two towers from today's demolition are part of the Capitol Gateway project, A&R Development Corporation and Henson Development Company, as the Gateway's developers, would have first right to develop any plan the government decides on.
In 2000, under the administration of former DC Mayor Anthony Williams, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allotted a $30.8 million grant under its HOPE VI program to the redevelopment of Capitol View Plaza's 12-story tower. The HOPE grants also applied to neighboring public housing which is now the Capitol residential project. In April, Smyser said that phase I of that development has delivered “nearly 240 duplexes, townhouses and single-family homes.” The HOPE grants allow for a combination of mixed income and mixed-use projects, which have in the past included community centers as well as residential buildings.
Today's demolition was a more public display of the slow dismantling of the building which has been underway since July. The local fire department, Engine 30, has been closely watching the progress and will be celebrating the demolition.
DC Mayor Adrian Fenty was joined by Michael Kelly, executive director of the District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA), and Leila Edmonds, director of the DCHD. Though Fenty was at the helm today, the Wrecking Corporation of America will continue the demolition, which will complete in 2010.
UPDATE: After DCMud published this story on Wednesday, the Washington Business Journal published a conflicting and incorrect account on Thursday, indicating that Capitol View would "ultimately include 761 mixed-income units and a 110,000-square-foot retail center featuring a Shoppers Food Warehouse." Several readers asked us which was right. To clarify, the Capitol View Towers are not currently slated for any defined use. Kerry Smyser of DCHA confirmed that there were no plans for Capitol View, the last time a plan had been established was 2005, but that those were now defunct.
Also, the Shoppers Food Warehouse referred to by WBJ will not be a part of Capitol View, it will be a part of Capitol Gateway, on the north side of East Capitol Street. Behind the Gateway project in northeast are 151 senior-housing units. Add the senior housing to the new townhouses adjacent to Captiol View, and the "Capitol Gateway" area has a total of 371 units built. Smyser indicated that the original HUD report had predicted 761 units for the entire Capitol Gateway Project, including potential units at Capitol View, but that those numbers were no longer accurate.
The Fire Dept. blog says:
" But now, demolition crews anticipate being done work by January of 2010... and sure to make way for another medical local hotspot!"
Let's hope not!
Couldn't they just have remodeled the building I've been in the building and its huge.
Aside from getting rid of the garage couldn't they have kept the building and did a extreme makeover to turn the building into office or residential
If they want to really change the area why not try to get WMATA to build another entrance to Capitol Hgts station on the DC side
I will miss the high rises as they have been there for many years and had become a landmark for many a driver; but I'm all for safer communities and it seems tearing them down will contribute to that. Like "Que" said, an entrance into the Capitol Heights Metro would be great. It might be a long stretch of pedestrian tunnel from the D. C. side, but it would be safer in that you wouldn't have to cross busy East Capitol Street and Southern Avenue.
I'm happy to see the buildinggo, we don't need anymore building or overcrowding.
I'm thinking green space for that lot. It's very refreshing and the air seems clear with those buildings gone.
If anything must be built there make it something that will have a less impact on the community but would serve the community
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Yes, we have no problem with that. Thank you for asking.
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