Look for a new mixed-use development in Dupont Circle as soon as spring of 2011. The building, 1737 Connecticut Avenue, NW, formerly
Anna Maria's Italian Restaurant, will soon transform into a new restaurant on two floors with four loft condos above. The owner, 1737 Connecticut Avenue Associates, LLC, bought the property this past June for $2.8 million. Architect
FORMDesign Group has been working closely with the Dupont community, quickly making design changes as needed. This week the team received approval from the
Dupont ANC2B, which deferred to the conditional approval of the
Dupont Circle Conservancy. The team will now present the design to the
Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB), which will likely approve the project based on the recommendations in the staff report.

FORM will add a partial sixth story and bump out several floors of the historic structure, expanding the 7,300 s.f. space into an 11,000 s.f. mixed-use development. The Dupont Conservancy concerns forced a change to the set back of the sixth floor, originally planned to be 30 feet, now expanded to 52 feet to avoid visibility from the street and nearby intersections, leaving only the issue of the sidewalk canopy. Though already in place, the Conservancy requested that it be removed, and with that caveat gave approval to the height and massing.
The lofts will likely be 1,800 s.f. condo units on the third through sixth floors. In order to provide additional square footage, the third through fifth floors will be extended 12 feet to the rear. The design also calls for an elevator, which will have to be concealed from street level with any necessary equipment.
Dario Davies,
CEO of
MasterBuilt and
Principal at FORMDesign, said the group is currently negotiating with several interested restaurateurs to take the spot on the first two floors.
The HPRB approval expected this week will cover the height and massing, then its on to the remaining design and permitting, a process that could take another 6 months. With Davies expecting an 8 month build-out, the project could be ready by early next year.
UPDATE: A new rendering has been added to the story as of 03/01/2010.
Washington, DC real estate development and retail news
shoebox for 500k and no parking? no thanks.
read the post dummy, its an 1800 sq ft loft with no parking for only 800k
Better reporting would point out the HPRB staff report recommends approval of a 6th floor addition on the condition it not be visible from the front. The rendering in the article is therefore is a little inaccurate.
Yep, the rendering is incorrect. HPO has approved the sixth floor with a 50' set-back, which will not be visible from the street. the canopy projection shown on the rendering was also rejected and is now a canopy over the door to the restaurant that matches the canopy to the residential entry on the left.
Sorry, that should be a 52' set-back.......
the building is on top of a metro station and a grocery store, anon. if you are wedded to your car, buy a house somewhere else. someone who isn't forced to use an automobile will be very lucky to live here.
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