According to Josh Adler, Managing Partner of Lakritz Adler, the developer has been working with the church for three years to develop a site plan, which should begin construction by late next year, replacing the 80-year old church with a 5-6 story apartment building and church along Fenton Street, between Bonifant and Wayne.
Assuming approval by the county, the residential project would be the largest for the developer and its first church development, both on a small downtown site, which Adler says led to a challenge that other firms turned down for being "too complicated." But Adler says his firm was contacted by the church for the undertaking and found a good match, despite the novelties. "I can't say we've built a church before; but they have a church architect, Dimensional Dynamics, a Pennsylvania firm which has an expertise in that area." For the residential piece, the team has selected Torti Gallas of Silver Spring. While plans remain just that, Adler expects the project to include about 30,000 s.f. of ground floor retail, replacing what is now largely a surface parking lot.
If things move expeditiously, Adler predicts construction could start two years from now. If all goes well, Lakritz Adler and First Baptist will erect a 5 story building (grading to 6 stories on the lowest portion of the site) along Fenton Street, with retail along the front that rounds the corner on Wayne, with a residential entrance on Bonifant. Current designs specify a concrete structured first floor for retail, a garage below, and a 4-level wood-framed residence on top, topping out at 60 feet measured from the highest elevation. Adler sees ultimate approval as likely. "We're not asking for any variances or exceptions. We've had a number of community meetings in the past month, as well as with Park and Planning Staff; we've gone in with a meaningfully smaller building than we are allowed to build there, and have tried to design it in a way that the community approves of." First Baptist, he adds, has been an active part of the design process.
Located directly opposite the upcoming Purple Line station and new Silver Spring library, Adler says of the land "its a very important site, I don't think anyone could argue that it is the single best multifamily site in Silver Spring today." The developer promises the building will be worthy of the location. "It will be built accordingly, with lots of amenities, a nice roofdeck, and a business center. I would compare it to Ellington on U Street, the same kind of quality level. The very high end of residential quality for Silver Spring."
The first plans for the site, created in 2007, were for an office building, but that changed with the shifting market. "It seemed like the office market was better at first, but our view is that residential market is starting an upswing" said Adler. While the team is building under the presumption of rental apartments, he notes that the project could of course go condo down the road. "The plan is for rental, but nothing is stopping us from switching in the future."
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Classic good urbanism. I hope the community works with the developer rather than against. I just hope the final building is more like the Ellington as they say and not another Shalome Baranes glass piece of junk as the rendering leans towards. We need warmer buildings that will age well over time, not more modernist fashion victims that will be dated in a couple of years.
Glass never ages, as long as its clear and not colored. Since clear glass is the standard these days and we seem to have moved past our experimentation phase, this building will age quite well. Brick and clear glass is ageless.
Glass never ages, it just gets dirty. Then there's the glare problem. Then there's the heat gain. Then there's the fact that no-one actually likes living in a fish bowl, so the curtains become the defacto curtain wall. That being said, variety of life, and the design isn't all that bad, just a little non-descript.
"Glass never ages." Right, everyone loves to tour Europe to see all of those amazing glass cathedrals and chateaux.
Classic glass structures like the Seagram building, or the Edith Farnsworth house are 1 in a 1,000,000. Most are ugly dated piles like our very own MLK Library.
There is a reason why people still want a brick "colonial" house: it's warm, and scaled to humans.
The 1956 Art Deco and International Style Church with its 40-foot steel spire, by award-winning, leading East Coast architect, Silver Spring resident, and 7th Day Adventist, Ronald S. Senseman, FAIA,(1912-2001) is a robust vibrant landmark structure on Silver Spring's landscape. Along with its original 1924 "parent" Colonial Revival Church with elegant cupola standing to its left, both provide a calming influence in an exceedingly hectic Silver Spring.
Senseman's 1956 Church Sanctuary with its rich stained glass windows and lively acoustics is a delight to experience. Among Senseman's myriad works are Montgomery County Md.'s County Council Office Building with its Art Deco elements and materials,
and the Gothic Takoma Park Adventist Church on Carroll Avenue at Willow, in the center of town.
These 2 Church buildings represent a continuum of Silver Spring's story, providing an elegant,
tranquil Portal into Fenton Village, or into Silver Spring's
already redeveloped "core."
Remember also the 16th Century proverb, "Waste Not, Want Not."
good looking plan, great site. should be embraced by the community but they will likely hate it.
tough to compare a large scale multi famnily project to a colonial house but nice try.
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