Preliminary work is underway on
CityCenterDC, as construction crews arrived yesterday with earth movers and heavy equipment, installing fencing around the site in anticipation of a more public announcement and official groundbreaking in the coming days. The project's plan for nearly 700 units of housing, 185,000 s.f. of retail, 520,000 s.f. of office space have been gestating for years, and developers have been holding firm
for nearly a year that this spring will mark the project's birth. Still, developers at
Hines had declined in recent months to be any more specific about timelines, until announcing recently an April 4th commencement date.

But yesterday, construction crews began installing fences around the perimeter (even covering the sidewalks), with large earth movers and construction trailers bearing the
Clark insignia beginning to cover the entire site. Get ready for a public ceremony soon.

Washington D.C. real estate development news
The recession is starting to feel like it's over (at least here in DC). A lot of starts around the city this spring.
This will be the best thing to happen to downtown since the "MCI" Center
I love the usual rendering at dusk slathered with plantings. My guess is it will be cold and depressing, but would love to be proved wrong. Love the site planthough!
In the first photo, it sure looks like the entire sidewalk is fenced off. Doesn't DC law require that sidewalks remain usable? It's a safety issue, especially since this massive project will take a while to complete.
While looking at the overhead rendering, it appears that the upper northeast 1/3 (that is currenly parking lot) will have a few large building constructed. I'm assuming they are a latter pahse... anyone know about these.
That upper 1/3 is owned by a different developer who will be building at a later phase.
The northeastern block (much less than 1/3) is owned by Kingdon Gould III, who has some initial plans for the site, but it is not tied to CityCenter. See the last paragraph of the last story we wrote (its linked in the article). Gould's site is the block on the top right in the overhead shot, the block in the top middle is reserved for a hotel, also by Hines.
April 4th Groundbreaking with Mayor
via Twitter:
@nigroanc2c [ANC Commissioner Rachelle Nigro]
Got my invite today for the CityCenter DC Groundbreaking Ceremony-Monday, April 4th at 2:00pm with @mayorvincegray! Great news for the area!
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