Retail, restaurants and office space leases are filling in at a more rapid rate than counterpoint emerging neighborhood NoMa, where the snap-up of square footage has been dominated by office leases. Sexier retail - even indie tenants such as as Pound Coffee have defected to Capitol Hill, while Capitol Waterfront is a hot commodity for retailers.

Both Lumber Shed at The Yards Park Pavilion and The Yards Boilermaker Shops are among the most anticipated retail projects. Both buildings - the Lumber Shed at 100 Water Street and Boilermaker Shops at 200 Tingey Street - are part of the National Register of Historic Places, with Forest City Washington as developer and Gensler shepherding construction and design. Among other tenants, Neighborhood Restaurant Group has signed a lease for a restaurant that's expected to become a brewpub. According to Ramsey Meiser, Senior Vice President of Development at Forest City, 50% of the Lumber Shed and 70% of the Boilermaker Shops leases are tied down. Estimated opening date is early 2013.
Over at 400 Tingey Street S.E., Michael Stevens confirms that "a major health club" is signing a

Also destined for the block at 401 M Street is a 50,000 s.f. Harris Teeter, above which will rise two residential towers with 220 units, with 20% affordable housing, also by Forest City. Environmental remediation will continue through the year with construction is expected to begin in the spring of 2012.
The big news as far as grocery stores in the area has been the potential for a Whole Foods at 800 New Jersey Avenue, S.E., however, the developer William C. Smith + Co. and the grocer are looking for tax abatement to the tune of $8 million over ten years. The groups have apparently been discussing a store for the site since 2002. With a city handing out tax breaks to far less game-changing endeavors - but now strapped for funds - the plan is still given better than even odds.
Among residential options, of Capitol Quarter's EYA development of 113 homes, phase I has sold out, and the 130 homes of Phase II are on the market now, with a move-in date of June 1. Construction had started in 2008, with Phase I construction completed in M

Other apartments include the off-then-on Foundry Lofts project at 201 Tingey Street S.E. which will offer 10,000 s.f. of retail and 170 market rate units. Forest City was able to resume building in September of 2010 as a result of President Obama's New Issue Bond Program (NIBP) that allowed for the D.C. Housing and Finance Agency (DCHFA) to fund the project and kick it forward. Leasing will begin this summer, with move-in likely in October.
In a holding pattern are several other projects awaiting financing. They include Factory 202, the SK&I-designed building that had been home to Federal Protective Services which was to have become a condo building. Forest City is still entertaining other plans for the site, but as of now it is considered a building for a later phase of development.
Though Monument Realty's 55 M Street is filling up, there is no start date for the hotel or residential buildings at Half Street since funding has not been secured since Lehman Brothers' exit. The grand plans for this property tanked with the fall of the economy, leaving a crater sized hole in 2008.
Akridge's Half Street mixed use office, residential and retail tower is also on hold, as developers are in the process of securing an office tenant. "We've just picked things up again in regard to design," said Kathy McDaniel, Project Administrator for Akridge. "Three months from now, we will have more progress to report."
Still on the boards is the CSX plan to widen its rail lines that run under Virginia Avenue, which is not marketed as loudly, partly because it will be some time before the location will be affected. A $98 million TIGER grant will raise the clearance in 38 locations in three states; 23 more need to be funded and amended before the bigger clearance allows for taller trains. The Virginia Avenue tunnel is among the largest and the most expensive pieces of the project.
Washington, D.C. real estate development news
You still can't get a decent meal in all of "Capitol Riverfront". The few places there are hit and miss or fast food joints.
And try buying anything other than what you can get at CVS or Anne's wigs (ethnic hair extensions).
That is NOT "blossomed", Mr "Marketer" Stephens.
"Retail, restaurants and office space leases are filling in at a more rapid rate than counterpoint emerging neighborhood NoMa."
Huh???? True, Pound closed, but just in past two few months a half dozen places have opened in NoMa, including lunch spots like Tynan and Roti. Next month Watershed and Perfect Pita open, along with a Hilton Garden Inn.
Nothing has opened in Capitol Riverfront in the past year since Justin's opened. This article, like many at DCMud, is a poorly researched piece of junk.
I understand there are planned projects there, but this article makes it sounds like there is actually something there now, which there is not. It is pretty much a ghosttown when there isn't a Nat's game after all the DOT workers have gone home...
Noma has way more going on. More restaurants, a grocery store, plus it's more central.
Near SE has no grocery, no restaurants outside of fast food, plus it's rather isolated.
Both are developing neighborhoods and have unique advantages. The new townhomes in near SE are really nice, and if I were in the market for one, I would buy there.
Actually, Anon, regarding the poorly researched piece of junk: for the article: in addition to talking to the director of the BID, I interviewed principals and project people from Forest City, Monument, William C. Smith, EYA, and Akridge, among others. As far as the comparison to NoMa: The piece is not about what has opened, it's about what's scheduled to open.
In addition, part of why I shaped the piece as I do in terms of retail is because it more closely parallels retail in Logan-- Vida Fitness and Churchkey for example, will have siblings by the ballpark. This is not analogous to Tynan or Roti.
That said, if you have issue about a specific point in the article, I would be pleased to hear out your specific concern and make corrections. Do not hesitate to contact me. As a matter of fact, I'd appreciate it.
The problem is with this paragraph:
"Retail, restaurants and office space leases are filling in at a more rapid rate than counterpoint emerging neighborhood NoMa, where the snap-up of square footage has been dominated by office leases. Sexier retail - even indie tenants such as as Pound Coffee have defected to Capitol Hill, while Capitol Waterfront is a hot commodity for retailers."
It's simply not true. None of it. The pace of actual leases in NoMa is faster for office and retail. Just because a developer or the BID tells you that a lease is close to being signed doesn't mean that it's actually happening. If you talked to Liz Price in NoMa she could also tell you about the potential leases that developers are working on (plus point out actual places that have opened up or are under construction). You're comparing the real places in NoMa to letters of intent for space not scheduled to deliver for 2+ years.
As for your more specific retail mentions, Pound did leave NoMa, but according to the owners it was not a planned "defection," but a dispute with the landlord. The plan until a few weeks ago was to operate both locations. And besides, NoMa has a lot of other retail coming in. While you dismiss Roti and Tynan (both very small, high quality chains), you also ignore Watershed and Kitchen on K, which are both actually under construction.
The fact remains that there are very, very few places to actually grab lunch down there, and even fewer dinner options (I should know - my office is above the Navy Yard Metro).
It just seemed like a gratuitous shot against NoMa, when without that paragraph it would have just been a reasonable update on progress in Capitol Riverfront.
Anon at 3.26 is correct.
NoMa is growing at a faster pace than Capitol Riverfront. Sorry Melissa McCart.
Actual retail openings in NoMa trump the promise of retail in Capitol Riverfront, some of which may be 2+ years off.
It seems your article tries to take a cheap shot at NoMa. Your premise is faulty.
Hey, whiners, if you don't like what's being written on the blog, don't read it.
first, to the anonymous person who called people asking for the fixing of perceived or actual errors "whiners," you need to realize that what these people are doing is the whole point of a comments section on a blog. one line taunts are fine for prince of petworth.
second, i wholly agree with those who call out melissa's assertion of pound's leaving noma as a "defection." the rest of the discussion about a pissing match between both BIDs is silly at best - some kind of chest-thumping bravado. but the defection line is wrong and deserves a correction.
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