The District's forthcoming purchase of land needed in order to construct a new South Capitol Street/Frederick Douglass Bridge across the Anacostia has been aided by the dedication of $68 million in federal funds, with the next phase of development beginning by the end of the year.
Land acquisition followed by preliminary engineering for the bridge portion of the $806-million South Capitol Street Corridor project will be underway within the next month or two, confirmed the District Dept. of Transportation's program manager for the Anacostia Waterfront Initiative, James T. (Tom) Ryburn. The extension is part of the National Capital Planning Commission's vision to make South Capitol Street

The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), which selected a low-arched bridge design, was approved this summer (the picture at right is a stereotype). Ryburn cautioned that current designs are preliminary. "Everything is conceptual at this stage – there’s still a lot of design to be done."
The team plans to submit the initial financial plan in early 2012. Though it's been estimated that a budget of $806 million is required for the project, DDOT will be refining the cost figures in the preliminary engineering phase. And although federal funds will help with land acquisition, construction is currently unfunded, and the start date is entirely dependent on funding, as "[DDOT] Director Bellamy said on NBC," added Ryburn. "If we had the money, [there could be a new bridge in] six or seven years."

Washington D.C. real estate development news
Yet another loss in creating memorable architecture in DC.
What? They did a nice job on this bridge. And really, this is a pure amenity, it was more than had to be done, I think you have to visit the area if you don't appreciate the trail. This will be a huge draw by next summer, and will only get better.
The bridge and South Capitol Street should be a vibrant spectacular design, not a watered down version of Memorial Bridge and it's approaches. A neo-classic approach is great, but the design must be better.
BTW, can't DC United catch a break with this city? Looking at the space around this project---seems a soccer-only facility would fit right in. Perhaps a new look at Poplar Point? or V Street?
This low arched bridge is mundane, no one will remember it. There seems to be the pervasive notion that existing monuments should not be detracted from by new architecture. DC is more than the federal city. A cable stayed swing bridge or stayed bascule, that would be memorable. It should be if it is going to be around for the next 50 years!
Any idea as to what will happen to the south capitol street heliport?
Love the new design. Finally something that doesn't try to stick out on its own to represent the designer's ego. It will be great like Key Bridge and Memorial Bridge - classic elements that don't scream for attention but that beautify the city and refine it. Much better than the current bridge.
Who the heck wants a "vibrant" bridge? Bridges are supposed to be stable. I wouldn't trust one that's vibrating.
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