Born in Brazil and raised in Austria, Lanier, informally known as the "King of Georgetown," arrived in DC in the Eighties, and over the years has almost singlehandedly transformed once-sleepy Georgetown into a dynamic, European-style pedestrian center. It's a testament to his influence that when his company recently acquired properties in the U Street NW and H Street NE corridors, it was hailed as a definitive milestone in these areas' return to viability.
1. What's a typical day for you?
Fifteen hours long!
2. What or who is your biggest influence?
My kids. If they can do it, so should I.
3.What neighborhood do you live in?
4. What is your biggest DC pet peeve?
The village/pedestrian context.
5. What is the #1 most played song on your iPod?
I don't own an iPod.
6. Favorite DC haunt?
Kafe Leopold.

Sit in my garden.
8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Somewhere between Salzburg and Bozen (Bolzano).

I think I'd be an intellectual.
10. Name one thing most people don't know about you.
I really like turtles.
Mr. L has always been a true up front man.I would like to work with him on his future projects
...maybe you could help him clean up his past projects, like 3303 Water St where the condo association is suing him among others. Because of this cloud the units cannot get conventional fannie/freddie financing.
Hard hitting journalism. I would rather hear his personal vision for DC development than what he's listening to on his IPod.
Perhaps explain what he means by the Village/Pedestrian context is his pet peeve.
well, the man likes brevity, huh?
will be VERY interested to see what he does with the triangular parcel where the CVS is located at Bladensburg and Maryland. lots of potential there to continue to move the starburst away from the autocentric suburban design that currently exists.
Where can i find information on the lawsuit for 3303 water street condos. I did not find anything on google
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