hardly seems like a year since the Marriott Marquis broke ground next to the Convention Center. Construction crews have now finished digging and are now building back up, as evidenced by the photos taken last week.
The 1,175-room, 15-story Marriott, headed by Quadrangle Development and Capstone Development, will feature an underground tunnel to the convention center and more than 100,000 s.f. of meeting and ballroom space, 25,000 sf of retail, and 385 parking spaces. Two more Marriotts will be built to the north. Hensel Phelps is the general contractor.

Washington D.C. real estate development news. Photographs by Rey Lopez.

Washington D.C. real estate development news. Photographs by Rey Lopez.
ok, enough of the iPhone sepia/cool tone photo filters on all your pictures....just show us the original photo in all its rich color glory.
Looks about as attractive as the J.W. Marriott downtown.
Um sorry, but nothing is as unattrative as the J.W> Marriott downtown.
I am currious what this will look like at street level? I fear this will wind up with lots of blank walls and little retail on Mass ave. Oh well, at least it will put a thousand or so extra people in DT DC afterhours.
The naysayers need to just zip it. The development in this area is the best thing that has ever happened to downtown DC.
do my eyes deceive me or is the project about to rise above grade?!
Looking forward to eating at the new Hot Shoppes in the lobby!
And now a word from the project sponsors/flacks...
"The naysayers need to just zip it. The development in this area is the best thing that has ever happened to downtown DC."
Sure the development in the area is a good thing. Maybe the convention hotel is a good (taxpayer subsidized) thing. But did it have to be the most unimaginative, ugly thing to hit that area since Techworld was built in the 1980s?!?
Another rendering:
I think it compliments the ugly ass convention center rather nicely. It's definitely a better building than TechWorld or the Convention Center but not by much.
I like it - ultimately this will help bring tons more feet on the street for that area. That's what its all about.
I wish all new buildings could be as beautiful as they where 100 years ago, but all in all it's better than most post war construction. A low bar, but one that today's architects and builders rarely seem to overcome. In the mean time, Build it!
And how many of the negative commenters who hate it are real architects who could design something better?
Re: And how many of the negative commenters who hate it are real architects who could design something better?
So true!!! I am so tired of the numerous people that wine and complain on this site about every new building design. BECOME AN ARCHITECT AND SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS. Or maybe you are architects and no one is interested in your designs.
1. I am not an architect by occupation.
2. My occupation makes me... observe and try to understand architecture on a daily basis. Sorry, no details.
3. This is not Paris ca. 1868 nor Berlin ca. 1938. Just look at the ArchDaily stream. The people who designed this ugly building may have a paycheck for another three years (not a small thing!) but they do know it is ugly.
Last anon,
Sorry I have to dispute you. Only architects should be able to opine on the aesthetics and quality of the buildings? Should only true "writers" be allowed to comment on this blog? We all live with the consequences and have a stake in the outcome.
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