Mmm mmm! There's nothing like the smell of a newly-constructed property! You know what it smells like? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No previous tenants cooking cured meats with the windows closed, no smokers, no pet traces "covered up" with a dousing of carpet perfume. Nothing. As someone who lives in an ancient never-renovated apartment that smells like a cross between a hot barn and a flooded carpet warehouse, this is something I can really appreciate.
Of course, absence of odor (as wonderful as I'll maintain that is) is the least of this U street penthouse's appeal. There's a whole lot more to like, from the open riser staircase in the living room, to the massive bay windows that floods the loft with light, to the ridiculously spacious walk-in closet (with a window! I bet even Kanye's walk-in closet doesn't have a window), to the deep red cherry floors throughout.

Just two blocks from the Green Line, which makes for a painless commute, and only a stone's throw from U Street, which has everything you could possibly want out of life, as long as that means ethiopian food, frozen yogurt, bars, and pay-as-you-go cellphones.
1912 8th Street NW, Unit D
2 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths

I know the feeling and the smell. I love new construction!
The smell is called off gassing. Usually a mix of toxic gases from the production of plastics, carpets, paints, etc. But whatever floats your boat.
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